CRMNEXT gives you one place to create and track all requests, delivering tasks to the correct departments for faster completion
— the first time, every time.
"Customer service shouldn't
just be a department;
it should be the entire company."
Average person has
17 interactions per month
with their financial institution.⁴
Digital simplicity and speed of engagement drive trust, loyalty and retention.
Simplify products, redefine workflows
to better serve customers.
Intelligent routing of requests between digital and assisted channels
increases profitability up to 15%.⁵
Consistent experiences expected
across all touchpoints, in real-time.
Transform internal processes as a
starting point to adapt.
Eight in 10 people use a device
to complete banking activities.⁶
Consumers expect things to work –
always, quickly, and without friction.
Core integration is a must.
Any Employee Can Address Any Need, Anytime.
Sources: ¹ PwC 2018; ² Temkin; ³ 2021 Digital Banking Report; ⁴; ⁵ BCG; ⁶ Forbes